Non-European managers have never won a Champions League final.

Two out of three English winners in the 21st century defeated Barcelona in the semifinals: Manchester United in 2008 and Chelsea in 2012.

All the first time finalist in the Champions league have lost in the finals(Monaco in 2004,Chelsea in 2008)

In the Champions League era, there have been only three instances where the captain who lifted the trophy was not from the same country as his club's association. Hugo Lloris may potentially become the fourth in this category.

Only English team to win in Madrid previously are Nottingham Forest(1980) in Santiago Berneabeu

German coaches have exerted significant influence in the UEFA Champions League. Two out of the four managers who have won the tournament with two different clubs are German

2019 is first time since 2013 having no involvement of Spanish teams

This marks the first occasion where a captain will lift the Champions League trophy before securing their respective league title (Premier League).

Liverpool are currently 8th in all time champions league table and Tottenham Hotspurs are 72nd in the list

Rhian Brewster of Liverpool and Oliver Skipp of Tottenham Hotspur have the opportunity to become the youngest players to win a Champions League winners' medal if either team emerges victorious.